Robo Ashaers

Robotics being a rapidly growing field, research, design, and development of new applications play a vital role in taking the Indian industry to new heights. The objective of the 21ST Century Labs is to provide the learners a comprehensive coverage of the theory and practical knowledge in the area of robotics, to prepare them to take up advanced research.

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Learning Outcomes

Introduction to robotics

Robotics incorporates a range of skills, and thus promotes a learning environment for people with different talents. If properly harnessed, it also promotes a culture of teamwork.

Dynamics of robotics

As robotics, IOT and artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in homes, schools, and offices, a little programming knowledge will help everyone understand how these bots work.

Robo Ashaers

Our Courses

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Ages 6+
The basics of the components used to drive the manual robots and the end effectors using different types of switches and speed manipulations using potentiometer.
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Ages 6+
Robotics(Integrated Circuits)
The basics of the components used to drive the autonomous robots like line follower and obstacle avoider and wireless Rc control of robots using higher order ICs.
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Ages 6+
Robotics using Arduino and Scratch
The autonomous robots and creating automation projects using sensors and actuators.Students develop projects using arduino and scratch drag and drop interfaces.