About Us

Who Are We?

ROBOKALAM is a 21st Century Edutech company, which focuses on Gamified education solutions, covering technical Education and doing Research & development in latest technologies like AI, IoT, Coding, Robotics,etc. We provide Workshops, Training Certifications, DIY (Do It Yourself) Kits to institutes all around the world. The current training system provides a hands-on experience and exposure in the latest technologies to the students. Apart from this, we have organized technical and student centric Outreach Programs in Government Institutions. Every Year, we used to organize our own well reputed fest named SKOOL ENGINE in association with Samaritans Stand Up Organization. We have been successfully organizing the annual editions of student innovation platform SKOOL ENGINE since 2015.


We wish to act as a mediator between Technology & Students to improve their academic performance by providing additional syllabus inputs and best Training, expert curriculum and various emerging Technologies. Our vision is to empower young minds through high quality & endless education.


Our main motive is to promote the experiential gamified education among children by organizing Workshops, Trainings and innovation challenges at every level. We saw the enthusiasms among the students of doing something creative so we planed to provide them an International Platform to perform and to show their creativity. The workshops would help students to enter in the real world of 21st Century Technology and to create an aptitude in the limitless field of these emerging technologies. The workshops will guide them to get the feel of Real life problem solving and how powerful and exciting it can be… Join Us!

Our Proven Results for Kids


Your kids use code to build their own games, animation and apps, fundamentally changing their relationship to technology to being a creator rather than a consumer.

75%+ Improvement in Math & Logic

Your kids learn commands, loops, sequences and conditions which strengthen their logic and technical skills. Result: a measurable improvement in mathematical scores*.


Your kids learn decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition and algorithmic thinking to solve problems logically. Results: significant improvement in abstract thinking scores*, a necessity for scoring top of charts in Math Olympiads or IB entrances.


Kids use analytical skills, attention to detail and persistence to create tangible code as good as tech entrepreneurs, ready for products to commercialize in the world. The resilience learnt in using tools to create outcomes strengthens every part of life.

Robokalam Guarantee

Every Robokalam class comes with a guaranteed experience.

Gamified Curriculum

Curriculum created and extensively peer reviewed by alumni of the top technological institutes in the world.

100% Interactive Trainers

All trainers are selected by a rigorous selection process to intake only Top 1% of Early Children friendly Experts.

Online or Self paced Convenience

You pick your course, schedule, weekday or weekend. All classes taught at the comfort of your home.

21st Century Outcomes

Early coders create animations, games, and mobile apps, by applying their knowledge of code to real-world problems.